Lina S.

Lina S.

Holds a master's degree in Phyto-ecology. with +5 years of Teaching Experience

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Lina S.

I have been teaching ESS for 5 years now and I am very familiar with the curriculum and its requirements. I am an expert with IAs and EEs and my students have gone on to achieve great results in the official IB diploma. I also provide students with the required strategies for their official exams such as the command terms, point counting and time management.

Teaching Experience

2022 – Present @Wellspring Learning Community, Beirut, Lebanon

ATL and Personal Project Coordinator: Completing ATL requirements of the school, guiding students and supervisors through the personal project.

2019 – Present @Wellspring Learning Community, Beirut, Lebanon

ESS teacher: Responsible for delivering content, preparing students for official exams, supervising EEs and IAs

2018 – 2022 @Wellspring Learning Community, Beirut, Lebanon

MYP Math Teacher: Responsible for delivering content to students, preparing exams and supporting students

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